10th Anniversary of the Boscastle Flood – 16th August 2014

I was called by the BBC News yesterday to ask if they can use my Boscastle Flood footage again, as it is the 10th anniversary this Saturday! I can’t believe 10 years has passed so quickly – I can remember every aspect of it like it was yesterday – the shock of seeing it, and narrowly missing being swept away in my own car, the soaking wet people in their shorts and T-shirts – (it was unexpected that 3″ or rain would fall in 1 hour), the interview with Sky news and seeing the footage on the 10 o’clock news. (It was the first video I’d ever shot! taken on a Canon Ixus – long before camera phone video capability of course). It was all caused by the bridge in the image below which couldn’t cope with the capacity of water – note it looks like a giant hosepipe, the water had to find an alternative path, so it flooded the car park and the high street, and out went the cars. I left the water droplets on deliberately! Watch out for the videos this weekend, and you can see stills here www.waynegrundy.com/boscastle

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Boscastle flood-0402